Glass Conservatory Roofs for Salisbury Homes

Glass conservatory roofs are a fantastic way of complementing a range of extensions. Whatever style of conservatory you desire, it can benefit visually and performance-wise from one of our glass conservatory roofs. Transparent in design and made with the best double glazing on the market, they help an extension feel bright, warm and welcoming all year round.

These conservatory roofs are a natural technological advancement from the polycarbonate conservatories of old. They operate in a similar way, with our glass roofs providing an enhanced performance over their predecessors. Crafted from Ultraframe components, these glass conservatory roofs are a fantastic option for the modern homeowner looking to make the most out of their extension.

Replacement Conservatory Roofs

Our glass conservatory roofs aren’t exclusively available with new build extensions. Instead, they can also be installed onto an existing conservatory as part of our roof replacement service. This can give your extension a brand new lease of life.

We’ll visit your property to survey and assess what already exists. Assuming the rest of the conservatory isn’t damaged beyond repair, then the roof can be removed and replaced with one of our modern glazed systems. If not, the technician will advise a brand new conservatory.

Glass Conservatory Roofs Wiltshire

All Round Benefits

Our glass conservatory roofs will benefit your life 12 months a year. During summer, the transparent ceilings will allow plenty of natural light into the extension below, allowing your conservatory to operate as a summer room that feels seamlessly connected to your garden outside.

In the winter, the modern double glazing will prevent your home’s natural warmth from escaping. What’s more, the cold air outside will not be able to penetrate the extension. The conservatory will remain at the optimal temperature, allowing for year round use.

Enhanced Performance

Glass conservatory roofs perform better across the board than polycarbonate ones. Being an Ultraframe component, they are fitted with some of the finest technology available. This includes UV protection from solar glare and postcode engineering for weatherproofing purposes.

If you have an existing extension and are looking to replace the roof, these glazed options are a fantastic choice. Not only will they improve the overall performance of the conservatory, but their traditional aesthetics also help maintain the same charm as the plastic ones.

Long Lasting

Compared with polycarbonate roof systems, our glass conservatory roofs will continue to perform to a higher standard and for longer. The weatherproofing enhancements ensure the components will never rot or warp, allowing them to operate to their best for years to come.

With this, you’re making a shrewd long term investment when you opt for a glass conservatory roof over a cheaper alternative. You won’t regret the extra outlay as the year’s pass, with your new extension roof continuing to perform to a factory fresh standard.

Glass Conservatory Roofs Prices Salisbury

Use our online quoting engine if you’d like an estimated price for a new extension fitted with one of our glass conservatory roofs. Include your exact specifications and desired measurements and our online quote system will provide you with an instant and accurate price.

If you’re instead interested in having one of our glass conservatory roofs fitted onto an existing extension, get in contact with us directly. Simply leave your details on our online form or call today on 01722 414655. We look forward to your enquiry!

Glass Conservatory Roofs Salisbury

Get A Quote Today

Use our online quoting engine to get an estimated price for a new conservatory with one of our glass conservatory roofs. It’s free to use, so get started now!

We acknowledge the fact that if our glass conservatory roofs are replacing an existing one, chances are the older roof has some faults. This could be leaking, rotting or anything similar.

With this, we offer an efficient service for our conservatory roof replacements. You won’t be made to wait an excessive period of time for your new roof system, instead getting it sooner.

Here at B&M, we are a local home improvement specialist with decades of experience and industry knowhow. With this, we take pride in the standard of customer service we offer.

We guide our customers through the installations process. You’ll receive regular updates from our dedicated team and our installers will be professional and courteous while at your home.

We constantly scout the market around us in Salisbury to ensure that our prices continuously remain competitive and fair. This means we aren’t charging over the odds for our products.

What’s more, replacing an existing extension roof with our glass conservatory roofs can often be much more cost effective than tearing down the whole thing and started again.


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